Welcome from Helen Valentine
Head of Sixth Form
We are proud of our large and successful sixth form at Sackville. The sixth form serves our local community and has an intake of between 360-400 students. We have a long running and consistent track record of results well above the national average – this is a trend we always seek to maintain and better.
The majority of our students are ones who stay on at the school following their year 7 – 11 studies. However, we regularly warmly welcome a significant number of students from other schools, both inside and outside the county, and from a variety of different schools. This includes international students.
We regularly evaluate the range and breadth of subjects we offer. We are proud to offer our students a wide range of courses which can be combined into a programme of study to suit individual needs. This includes traditional A levels, Applied A levels and vocational courses, as well as a designated level 2 course for those seeking to gain English and Maths GCSE qualifications. Our level 2 course comes with options of a Business, Finance, Life Skills and Child Development course. Our clear message to our students is that we will always seek to accommodate student needs and set realistic targets in terms of their programme of study and future aspirations. The well-being of the student is at the heart of our sixth form. We pride ourselves on our flexible course offer and balance this against upholding high standards. We run dedicated Oxbridge and top universities tutor groups, regular apprenticeship, employment and university advice clinics and careers events, alongside running independent study skills and training sessions for students. We have a dedicated sixth form tutor team, trained to give high quality advice and practical assistance.
An important part of our sixth form offer is the structured and wide ranging SMSC personal development programme, appropriate for students entering young adulthood. We are currently introducing our LIFE programme – a bespoke and unique KS5 SMSC programme for our sixth form students.
We place a very high value on the mental well-being of our students to ensure that they can perform to their best level, as well as enjoy sixth form life. Our sixth form team includes staff trained in mental well-being, as well as a dedicated support manager and careers leader. Additionally, we offer mentor training to sixth form students.
We encourage sixth form students to lead by example and serve both their own school community and the local community. They are true role models, whether working with and coaching the younger students, representing the school in town and international events or acting as ambassadors at open and parents’ evenings. Students have many opportunities to take leadership roles and participate in a range of voluntary roles, whether at local schools, charitable enterprises and organised events through school. The Deputy Head of Sixth Form currently leads much of this work and coordinates our large sixth form student leadership team.
If you wish to visit our school please contact the sixth form office.
Helen Valentine
Assistant Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form
Tel: 01342 410 140