Mathematical Studies (Core Maths)
Mr I White –
The course is intended for students who have passed GCSE Mathematics at grade 4 or better, but who have not chosen to study AS or A level Mathematics. It is designed to equip learners to develop and apply real-world maths skills, and progress to university, employment, or higher apprenticeships.
Studying Core Maths helps students develop their quantitative and problem-solving skills. This is valuable preparation for the quantitative skills they will need for many degree courses, particularly subjects such as psychology, geography, business-related courses, sports and social sciences, and natural science courses that do not require AS/A Mathematics.
It’s also supported by employers and universities. The course is equal in size to an AS level qualification and are graded A-E. It has the same number of UCAS tariff points as an AS level qualification.
Compulsory content
Optional content
- The normal distribution
- Probabilities and estimation
- Correlation and regression
- Critical path and risk analysis
- Expectation
- Cost benefit analysis
- Graphical methods
- Rates of change
- Exponential functions
Paper 1: Compulsory unit (90 minutes) 50% of qualification
Analysis of data
Maths for personal finance
Paper 2: Optional unit (90 minutes) 50% of qualification
Critical analysis of given data and models
The normal distribution
Probabilities and estimation
Correlation and regression
Students intending to study mathematics at degree level should consider taking Further Mathematics at AS or A Level.
What degree courses could this lead to?
- Engineering (essential)
- Sciences
- Computer Science
- Medicine
- Business / Finance
- Social Sciences
What careers could this course lead to?
- Engineer
- Accountant
- Data analyst
- Actuary
- Statistician
- Scientist
- Architect
- Software engineer